djay 5.2.1 visualizer can’t load videos

I recently upgraded djay to 5.2.1 on my iPad 2nd gen iOS 17.5 and now when I try and load one of the videos from my photos app, it keeps reporting file is missing, even tho I can load and watch the video in my photo album, and even tho the thumbnail is shown in the visualizer video section. About 80% of my videos won’t load now, including ones that previously loaded before!

I have already tried to restart the iPad and checked the latest iOS software too.

Please help as I have a gig coming up this weekend and need this for vjing!

I can also confirm this is also happening on my iPhone app now that it upgraded also:

Hi @dizzydj123, sorry to hear you’re experiencing this issue. I was unable to reproduce this on my setup so I have passed it onto engineering to see if they can reproduce and offer suggestions. In the meantime, please close djay and follow the procedure linked below to perform a Forced Restart of your iOS device:

  1. iPhone: Force restart iPhone - Apple Support
  2. iPad: Force restart iPad - Apple Support
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Hi again @dizzydj123, engineering was able to reproduce this issue when loading videos from the Photos in the Visualizer popup. However, loading videos from Photos onto the deck works fine. So, perhaps you can use this as a workaround if you are playing Music Videos while the team works on a more permanent fix. I hope that helps!

I don’t understand. What do you mean by load videos onto the deck? How do you do that?

@dizzydj123 if you switch your iPad to Split View Mode, with djay and Photos open side-by-side, you can drag the desired videos from the Photos App onto one of the djay Decks.

I tried that but it won’t allow it in video mode. So even if I drag and drop it it’s not giving it to me as a visualizer but as an actual song selection. I’m using the videos as a visual effect for my music to project behind me via HDMi, not ad a video itself to be listened to.

Okay, that’s what I thought. Like I said above, this would only be a viable workaround if you were playing the actual videos. Anyway, engineering is looking into this. I’ll report back when I have more news.

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One more thing I found. If I load videos from the Videos source and choose Video Only, that will work, but then I have no way of overriding it with another standard visualization from the visualizer and can then only use videos in my library.

Also if I happen to use the pop up and leave it with one of the files that can’t be loaded, it ends up in a loop of pop ups until I have to force restart the app.

Hi @dizzydj123, thanks for the additional info. I’ve passed this onto engineering.

Hi @dizzydj123, engineering has identified the issue. It should be resolved in an upcoming djay release (likely 5.2.2). Thanks!

Hi @dizzydj123, please update to 5.2.2 as this issue should now be resolved. Thanks!

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Thank you! I confirmed it’s working now :heart:

You’re welcome @dizzydj123. Thanks for confirming.

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