Freezing during playing sets (Power supply issue)

I had the same issue last night while practicing. The screen froze again.
I tried to move the app to the background but this did not help. I had to shut down and restart again.
I hope you can repair this bug.

Thanks for the update @illya_kroon. I’ve passed this onto engineering to see if this helps with troubleshooting.

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Hi again @illya_kroon,

  1. Did this happen with djay 5.2 or are you still on 5.1.7?
  2. Are you using a DJ controller or just the iPad?
  3. If just the iPad, how are you connecting to the sound system?
  4. If you are using a controller, please share details about the device and if the controller was still responsive even though the iPad screen was frozen.

Hi Slak_Jaw,
This happened with Djay 5.2
It happened twice, once with a Hercules Dj control mix, an other time with a Pioneer DDJ 200.
My connection with my sound system is by Bluetooth.
And yes the controllers were still responsive.
Do you know why is this happening?
I can’t have this happening while playing live at a gig or party. .
Thanks in advance,
Illya Kroon

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Thanks for the additional info @illya_kroon. I have forwarded this to the engineering team to see if they can reproduce the issue and offer any suggestions.

@Slak_Jaw thanks for the quick response.

You’re welcome @illya_kroon

I have the same issue right after a song loading. It’s random and the screen will lock for about 15 seconds

Hi @Five-0, can you please provide more details about your setup so we can determine if there is any commonality between both of your situations?

Device Model (ex. 2020 iPad Air 4th Gen):
Version of operating system (ex. iOS 17.3.1):
Version of djay (ex. 5.1.3):
Hardware/controllers used (ex. Reloop Ready):

Device model iPad Pro (11-inch) (4th generation)
Operating system: iPadOS 17.4.1
Djay pro 5.2
DDJ sx2
I have experienced the same type of freeze on both. I lose control of all touch screen operations and controller functions. The sound cuts out like a second. But then control comes back

Hi @Five-0, thanks for the info. This sounds like is could be a USB connection issue. Have you tried a high quality, shielded, USB cable with dual ferrite cores on either end?

Since my last issue you solved, I’ve been using all apple certified power cables and power bricks. I’m gonna try buying a new cable


Hi @Five-0, I’m just following up to see if the new cable solved your issue.

I’m having the same problem —tried adjusting the Tidal quality—no luck—I went to Beatsorce—no problem—but I like Tidal much better—not the cables —they load fully—Got the latest version of Tidal and Dj pro—I use Reloop buddy that’s made for Dj pro—Beat source works great —you can’t get full albums with beat source and it sucks finding songs—no phone app either— ain’t even transfer from a third party play list—Tidal is pissing me off first take away doing stems and now this—Can anyone please help—thanks

Hi @Snareman, can you please confirm that you have the TIDAL “Individual Plan” plus the “DJ Extension”? These are now both required to use TIDAL with DJ software.

The tidal issue was resolved. But i have issues now with my external hard drive. Djay shut down 3 times during my gig Monday when i was using it. Also now my external sound card causes issues when i use it with my DDJ SR2

Hi @Five-0, thanks for the follow up. Your new issues sound like they could be cable and/or power related. I recommend you try some different USB cables for your external drive and controller. Preferably high quality cables with dual ferrite chokes on either end. I can personally recommend the Chroma Cables from DJ TechTools. Also, you should consider using a powered USB hub to ensure your external drive and sound card are getting sufficient power.

Hello! It’s been more than 7 days since my last reply. I’m going to consider this topic completed for now so I can focus on others. However, please feel free to respond and we can definitely revisit this. Thanks!

Yes it’s fixed. It was my iPad power block. Somehow it went bad and was over heating.

Thanks for the update @Five-0. Glad to hear it’s fixed!