Djay Pro 5.0.4 crashes

Have anyone else have 5.0.4 crash on regular basis?
I have a crash report but its to long to paste here. where should I turn to?

Can you tell us your set up, Ios or windows or Android,
Controller or just the app and how it actually crashes?
Can you replicate the crash say does it happen when you’re using Sync or Neural mix?

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Mine is also freezing, macbook retina Djay Pro 5.0.4 FLX-4 controller when turning the filter buttons to the right with Smart CFX Active, the program closes.

Hi @Johan_Rosenberg and @DJ_Reinaldo_Hits,

Sorry to hear that you’ve been experiencing these crashes as of late.

So that we can gather more information on these reports, could you both please follow the steps below?

  1. Open the djay Pro app on your Mac.
  2. In the top left corner of your screen, click on the portion of the menu bar that says “djay Pro.”
  3. In the drop-down menu, click on the button that says “Provide djay Pro Feedback.”
  4. Fill out the submission form that will pop up in your default browser and title your email “ATTN: NATHANIEL - Community 5.0.4 Crash Report” in the provided subject line.

From there, we will receive your djay ID and be able to provide you with further assistance.

Hi @DJ_Reinaldo_Hits,

Just wanted to let you know that the cause of your crashes has been fixed in the latest version to djay.

Please update the app when you have a moment.

Have a great day!