Djay Pro crashes - Issue with iPad Pro M4 motherboard

Hi Everybody,

somebody had the same problem?

yesterday I bought my new iPad Pro M4 2024 512 GB

clean install off course, last version iOS 17

I only installed one app : djay pro

that’s the reason why I bought this iPad

i synced 14000 songs with iTunes (old name for the music app), everything works fine

I start to analyse the songs, on 10 000 / 14 000 the iPad fell out
(no controller attached)

I waited till this morning to restart, I woud go on and can’t

whatever I do, the iPad keeps falling out after restarting djay pro

I called apple support, my hardware test is fine

it’s software, so they think (apple support) that the app isn’t ready enough for iPad M4

is that so?

Could you make a video of what you’re experiencing and send crash log. Will really help developers.

Hi @Dj_Tim, thanks for the details. I personally have an M4 iPad Pro and is works great with djay. Please try the following:

  1. Uninstall the djay app on your iPad.
  2. Close all programs and disconnect any hardware.
  3. Perform a Forced Restart of your iPad: Force restart iPad - Apple Support
  4. After restarting, download and install the latest version of djay and test again.


Thx, could restart
Apple support this morning couldn’t help
Re install from iTunes neither

Tomorrow to Genius Bar

Hi again @Dj_Tim, sorry that didn’t help. To help us troubleshoot this crash, please submit an Official Support Ticket using the procedure below so the engineering team can review your crash reports in more detail.

  1. Open the djay app on your device.
  2. Navigate to Settings>Contact Support.
  3. Fill out the submission form and title your email "ATTN: MARIE – “The Title of your Community Topic” in the provided subject line.

As I won’t have access to your crash reports, I’ll consider this community topic solved for now and let the official support team take over from here. However, feel free to share any other details about your crashes here that you think will be helpful in diagnosing the issue. Thanks!

Hi everyone

Apple will give me a new iPad Friday
To be continued;-)

There was a problem with the brand new iPad

Thanks for the follow up @Dj_Tim. Please let me know if that solves your issue when you receive it.

Today I got my new iPad. Apple couldn’t repair. Fault in motherboard, got new one. Now no problem :grin:. So djay wasn’t the problem although apple first said it was

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That’s great to hear @Dj_Tim. Thanks for the follow up.

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3 posts were split to a new topic: Crashes with iPad