djay Pro metadata taking up a lot of space?

I noticed the metadata from track analysis takes up much more space than it did with the old version of djay. Previously, I had roughly 1,000 tracks analyzed and the metadata folder took up around 100MB of storage. Now with djay Pro, I have maybe 200-300 tracks analyzed, but the metadata folder already consumes 250MB of storage space. I’m guessing this is because djay Pro now shows colored waveforms?

For reference:
Old metadata folder is stored under the user’s “Music” folder.
New metadata folder is in ~/Library/Containers/com.algoriddim.djay-pro-mac/Data/Library/Application Support/Algoriddim/

should be there. try spotlight searching “djay metadata” or something like that

I suspect there has been an increase in size too, however i can’t find the metadata on my computer at all. if not in the places mentioned above, where is it?