DJAY Pro troubles with beatport

Macbook pro Big Sur.

DJ PRO AI - V 4.1.6


First track load successfuly
Second track did not load, just stuck on spin off…

Almost a year having problems with this software… hope you fixed soon or I will change my provider

2023-03-04 13:45:49.830 djay Pro AI[2061:44556] [Purchases] - WARN: :apple::bangbang: Fetching AdServices attribution token failed with error: Attribution services are only available on iOS and iPadOS.

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Hey @Alejandro_Parodi1 ,

Thank you for reporting this here in the Community and welcome!

Could you confirm what MacOS version you are currently on?

Also, just to confirm: could you double-check you are correctly subscribed as well as logged in to BeatPort?

We’ll be on the lookout for your reply so we can investigate. Thank you in advance for the requested information!

I’m getting the same issue on my iPad Pro m2

same problem with my ipad pro gen 5

Just to add to the beatport bug pile. Minor one but when selecting a beatport playlist in automix, the app skips over some tracks. It seems like it doesn’t add every 2-3 tracks to the automix queue.

Same problem here.
Using ipad 9th gen with DJAY PRO. The first song loads, the second stucks. Have to reboot the app.
Very annoying!
Please help!

@Ladanai can you please confirm that you have a Beatport LINK subscription?

Thanks Slak Jaw.
No Beatport subscription, I buy music from iTunes, syncronize with my ipad
and play.
Thanks for helping.

@Ladanai without a Beatport subscription, you only get previews of the song in the Beatport source. You need a subscription to play the full songs.

Yes I know, but I don’t play using Beatport. Only iTunes with DJPRO

Okay, now I’m confused. This thread is about issues with Beatport. You’re saying your issues are not with Beatport, but with your iTunes music?

No matter which kind of music I’m playing, mp3, m4a, iTunes, or streaming,
the issue is always there and my ipad get stucked after a few songs.
I guess with Beatport would be the same…

@Ladanai okay thanks for clarifying. I recommend you make a new thread and clearly outline the issue along with your hardware, OS version and djay version. Then we can try to help you troubleshoot it properly.

Ok done in bug report section.
Please help me.
Thank you.

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