DJAY2 Crashed AGAIN! 10/20/18

I was DJing yet another wedding, this time on FULL Wifi 5G and during the middle of a FULLY LOADED song while trying to load another song the song just STOPPED, in the middle for at least 20 seconds. What is happening?

You sent me an outdated link after my last wedding when Djay 2 crashed to send crash logs but the description in the link you sent was for Windows 7 and XP do they work for windows 10?

I am desperate, This is 4 times in the last 4 gigs.

I am using a brand new iPad version 7 IOS version 12.0.1
Djay2 Version 2.8.23

Question is DJAY PRO More stable?

I might give it a try if you can verify that it is more stable for PRO use.

Thank you

Hi Jeff,

we are very sorry to hear that.

The link we sent you already looks outdated but still does the trick.
Your crash report is very valuable to us, can you please try to send the copied report:

Hi Lukas,
Thank you, but when I click on that link My Norton Antivirus blocks a web attack Here is the message. Web Attack: JScoinminer Download 67
Looks like that link may have been hacked.

Can you copy and paste the info here?
I want to send you my crash logs.

Also is Djay Pro more stable? I will use it if I can
Thank you
DJ Jeff

Thank you! Great advice

Hey dj jeff
This was happening to me its THE WIFI not
djay 2 what are you useing CONTROLLER what type apple ipad does not work well with some controllers im sure of this i use dj pro with windows 10 plus i use it with mac with spotify
And yes THE WIFI IS NOT STABLE NO WHERE it has drop outs and fall outs plus shocks yes wifi sends shocks for Hacker protcetion they do this all the time everyday so if you doing a gig if you got a ipad get a Pioneer ddj wego 2 or wego 3 works wonders with ipad that wont crash