Djaypro - DDJ1000, no "MUTE" changing inputs "USB A" - "USB B"

Djaypro 5.2,5
MacBook Pro 15-inch, 2017 Ventura 13.7.1 - Djaypro 5.2.6
Macbook Air M2 - Sequoia 15.1 - Djaypro 5.2,5
Controller DDJ 1000 ultimo Firmware - Driver 4.0.1

Problem: Djaypro, play the PC connected to the “USB A or B” input of the DDJ-1000 and moving the Switch of the DDJ-1000 that changes the inputs from “USB A” - “Line In / Phono” - “USB B” the music in Play from “USB A” continues to play while it should go to “MUTE” without acting on the sliders. If I connect a Turntable to the “LineIn / Phono” input of the DDJ 1000 and change to “USB A” or USB B" it works correctly, it also works correctly with a PC or MAC connected with Rekordbox.

How to reproduce the issue:

Djaypro - MAC connected to “USB A” in the DDJ-1000, Play a track and move the switch of that input to “LineIN” or "USB B " The midi part turns off but the audio continues to play.

Hi @CorradJ, thanks for the details about your setup and the issue - this is very helpful!

  1. Are you running the latest 1.12 firmware from the Pioneer DJ site?
  2. Are you using the (built-in) DDJ-1000 MIDI mapping or a custom edit?
  3. Can you please navigate to the djay Settings>Audio Devices and share a screenshot of this page? Also, while you’re there, press the Reset to Defaults button at the bottom to see if that helps.

Hi, the problem is exclusive to DjayPro tested on 2 different Macs. I ran a test on Recordbox and also VirtualDJ without problems
I still performed the requests:
Firmware 1.12 since it was released
Performed DJPro Audio Configuration reset
But can you test the software on a ddj 1000? Does it have the same problem or not? Thanks

Maybe it’s possible to act on the Midi configuration? I’ll send you the commands





Hi @CorradJ, thanks for confirming the Firmware and trying the Reset to Defaults. Also, thanks for the additional screenshots and info. Unfortunately, I don’t have access to a DDJ-1000 to test this myself, so I’ll need to forward this to the engineering team for review. Most of the team is away on holidays this week, so I don’t expect to get a quick response. I’ll report back here as soon as I can though. Thanks!

Hi @CorradJ, apologies for the delayed response. I spoke with the engineering team, and unfortunately this is a limitation of the controller and there isn’t anything we can do on the software side. Sorry that I don’t have better news for you.

Ok thanks for the answer, but let’s specify that it is a limitation of Djay Pro not of the controller/Mixer that also works correctly with Virtual Dj as well as obviously with Rekordbox and also as hardware alone since it is in fact a real Mixer. Best regards

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