Does anyone know how to repair a corrupt recording?

Last date I recorded my set from the same djay pro in AAC, the problem is that when trying to play it it cannot be played. Do you know any way to repair the file?

@Gabriel_Gonzalez see if you can open it in Audacity.

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I tried opening it in ableton, izotope rx10 and logic but no luck.

Ok, but try opening it with Audacity anyway. What exactly happens when you try to play the recording, e.g. is there an error message?

Does the file size look sensible for the length of recording?

If you have another AAC file recorded by DJay that plays correctly, maybe compare the beginning/end data from the good file with the bad one.

@Gabriel_Gonzalez can you please try using iTunes/Music to convert the AAC file to WAV format to see if that fixes it?

Thank you very much for your advice. I tried them and they didn’t work. It’s gone from an error message to just nothing, next time I’ll record it in wav.

Thanks for letting us know @Gabriel_Gonzalez. I recommend you try some testing recordings to see if you can reproduce the issue before making your next important recording.

I managed to open a corrupt recording using VLC player. The corruption happened because I closed the app forgetting to stop the recording.

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Thanks for the tip and additional information @DJGetNaked

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