Does djay w/o Neural Mix sound better than with?

  • Device model: iPad Air 5th Gen 2022 10.9" 64GB
  • Version of operating system: iPadOS 17.6.1
  • Version of djay: 5.2.6
  • Hardware/controllers used: Reloop Mixon 4

**Your question:

A year ago I installed DjayPro and tracks played on it sounded as they sound in other software (Foobar2000, Rekordbox, Serato, etc).

Recently I installed DjayPro with NeuralMix and now the tracks sound like they are composed of NeuralMix stems (ie artefacts, some tracks have bass mutilated, some have really annoing noises in highs etc) even when the NeuralMix is not used.

Hence the question. When I would uninstal DjayPro and reinstal it without checking the NeuralMix option, would the tracks sound “normal” again?

Another question. What would happen to my library, playlists and cuepoints of tracks (flac) when I uninstal and reinstal DjayPro?

Hi @nuaneaerobot, welcome to the Community! Neural Mix is not an optional component of djay - its built-in. However, Neural Mix is processed in real-time only when activated. So as long as you are not using any NM features, your songs should sound the same. I would check the following:

  1. Make sure you have normal EQs enabled not Neural Mix EQs
  2. Check that Crossfader FX are turned OFF
  3. Use the single waveform display, NOT the Neural Mix Tracks multi-waveform display.

If you are going to uninstall and reinstall djay, make sure you backup your djaymedialibrary database first. You can find the database in the following location:

  • Using the Files App, navigate to Locations->On My iPhone/iPad->djay->User Data

Copy the file to a new location or external drive before uninstalling djay. After reinstallation, you can simply copy this file back to its original location (Replace) to maintain your Hot Cues, Saved Loops, My Collection Playlists, History and Queue. I hope that helps!

The reason appeared to be a hardware level phase issue in my system.
I should of checked the whole tract before posting.

Thank you for the quick responce.

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Great! Glad you sorted it out. Thanks for the update @nuaneaerobot

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