Drops in Audio - See, Listen and compare to non-DjayPro

Reporting Audio Dropouts which can also be seen in the Waveform. But they are not in the file. Compare with RX7: original file versus recorded output from DjayPro.
The missing junk is re-filled only after restarting the App.

Updated V5.0.2

Moved from Main forum/ wrote already an email plus videos with audio on 14. of february. This is just a note.

Audio errors appear if I navigate by jumping through the waveform (bar). Additionally your software also shows them in the audio waveform visually as black lines!

These glitches in audio appears since v5.0.0.

macOS Sonoma, M1Pro MacBookPro 16“
everything updated, your software on 5.1.1.

Hi @SirHannes, thanks for the detailed information. To help me troubleshoot this with you, can you please provide additional details?

  1. Is your audio source streaming music, local music stored on device or music on an external drive?
  2. Does this only occur with certain songs or all songs?
  3. Are you hearing the audio dropouts live or only in the recording from djay?
  4. Are you running any other programs when using djay Pro?
  5. Are WiFi and Bluetooth On?
  6. Are you using any DJ hardware? If so please provide details?


  1. local music, mp3, 1TB SSD internal
  2. all songs
  3. live
  4. both are on
  5. yes and no. Due the fact that I navigate with mouse in the waveform, where the glitches appears means, that I do not have connected a controller.

Please note that you can see the dropouts in the DjayPro waveform. They appear also there.

Hi @SirHannes, thanks for answering my questions.

  1. Does turning OFF WiFi and Bluetooth fix or improve the issue?
  2. Are you running any other programs in the background or perhaps a Time Machine backup?
  3. How much free space is remaining on your internal SSD?
  4. You mentioned that you have captured videos of this issue. Can you please upload these to your Dropbox/Google Drive, enable the necessary sharing permissions, and share a link to the video(s) here? This will help to clearly communicate your issue to the engineering team so they can attempt to reproduce it locally.


  1. will test
  2. No
  3. 200GB free space
  4. yes, I sent via email to your developers already. I do not have dropbox nor google drive. You can give me your email, I could reduce the filesize to only 2,6MB.


Thanks @SirHannes,

  1. Please upload your video file directly to our Dropbox service using this direct link: Upload to Dropbox.

Please make sure that you name your attached video file as the following (ATTN: SLAK_JAW, DROPS IN AUDIO-COMMUNITY) so we can easily track it in our system.

Upload to dropbox is done.

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