From my experiences the Traktor Control Vinyl is more reliable if it comes to keep the needle in the track. You need a much better system if you go with Serato Control Vinyl.
I would really like to see support for 2Khz Control Vinyl as well.
Also I would be interested to know which Hardware you are using to make DVS happen and fun with Djay
With you on that one bud. I was planning a switch from Traktor DVS to Serato DVS, all the way to the point of getting a Reloop Elite and Serato Timecode, then literally on the day of the switch, djay 4.0 dropped, so I’ve been using the elite and serato timecode with this instead. buuuuut I’ve also got all this beautiful colourful Traktor timecode that simply doesn’t work, which is a shame.
Rocking a Reloop Elite and two RP-8000s, goes great in Djay on all Apple platforms.