Dynamic beatgrid drifts from global clock in manual or saved loops

  • Device model: Macbook Pro M1 2021 32Gb Ram
  • Version of operating system MacOS Sequoia 15.2
  • Version of djay: 5.2.6
  • Hardware/controllers used: Hercules inpulse 500

Summary of the issue:

When synced/linked, the audio + beatgrid of the playing track drifts both audibly and visually from the global clock (as shown by the Ableton link wheel) when a manual or saved loop is engaged. Then, as soon as you exit the loop, the audio + beatgrid shifts back into alignment both audibly and visually. While looped you can re-engage sync/link manually to bring the audio + beatgrid back into alignment for a short while before it drifts again.


  • This does not happen with auto loops engaged
  • The dynamic beatgrid is correctly aligned throughout the entire track
  • The global clock is playing the correct tempo as confirmed by the metronome in Ableton.

How to reproduce the issue:

  1. Load a track with dynamic beat grid, I’m using Soft and Tender by People’s Choice
  2. Ensure beatgrid is properly aligned across entire track
  3. Enable Ableton link
  4. Play and sync/link the track on the global clock downbeat, it should continue to stay in alignment if you do nothing else
  5. Start a manual loop, quantized to the beatgrid (the issue should not happen with auto loops)
  6. Watch it drift out of sync with the global clock over a period of 10-20s, despite the sync/link being engaged
  7. Exit the manual loop, and immediately the audio + beatgrid should shift back into alignment with global clock

Hi @zalzebub,

Thanks for sharing your issue in our community! We really appreciate you taking the time to explain this so detailed as it greatly assists our teams right off the bat.

We are looking into this with the dev team and should have some follow-up questions for you soon so that we can get you back on track and using djay as intended.

Additionally, is this issue virtually always reproducible?


Hi @NathanielAlgo , thanks for the quick response.

So I dug a little deeper and, yes, I can reproduce it every time but only for certain regions of the track.

Taking the default analysis of Soft and Tender by People’s Choice, a manual loop on bars 5-15 (the 10 bars of the first verse) reproduce the issue for me every time. As does a loop on 25-35 (the 10 bars of the verse with the backing vocals).

But there’s other shorter manual/saved loops that consistently stay in sync. So it is clearly context dependent on the region of the beatgrid.

Happy to answer any questions anyone on your team might have.

Hi @zalzebub,

Thanks for the reply.

We are still looking into this issue and will keep the thread updated when new information from our engineering team is available.

In the meantime, please update this thread if you encounter anything interesting. Thank you!

Thanks @NathanielAlgo . I guess my only question is have you been able to successfully reproduce the issue based on what I’ve described?

Just checking in to confirm that the latest 5.2.8 release has not resolved the issue. It persists exactly as before.