Edit Play Count on Mac

Hey everyone! I’m new to the forum, so I just wanted to say hello. Currently, I’m in the process of switching from Traktor to DJay Pro. To transfer my songs, I’ve used both DJCU and MIXO via iTunes (neither of them have an export option to djay Pro yet). I’ve managed to move my music successfully, but the play count hasn’t changed. Is there a way to edit this? The play count is important to me as I use it in various ways. If there is a solution available, I would greatly appreciate it. Let me know, and thanks in advance!

Welcome @itsRichySmart i also moved from Traktor but I did a fresh move and transferred my music over. Not sure what you mean by play count but I just wanted to say hi and welcome you to Algorithm. The new app is insanely good. I love it :heart_eyes:

Hey man! Yes, DJay Pro is super DOPE! I’ve used it back in 2022 to test it out and with the release of v5 (flex beatgrids, stems, etc) I’m converting all the way over.

As for Play Count. It’s a tab like (Artist, Songs, Release, etc.) Play count tells you how many times you’ve played a song. I see it in the itune/music tab, but when I add it to the collection it doesn’t add. Hoping I edit and update it.

Just bumping this! Still would be a great feature to edit.

Hi @itsRichySmart, I’ve changed this topic from a question to a suggestion. I’ve also shared this with the dev team for consideration. Thanks.

Great, thanks! I hope this will be implemented.

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You’re welcome @itsRichySmart

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