Hi @codebeast, I don’t have access to a Mac at the moment, but I’m pretty sure the settings are the same as on iOS. You can use the on-screen controls to toggle between normal EQs and Neural Mix EQs.
That’s why DJay cannot override it but Rane just released a new firmware update that allows you to use Shift+Cue button to turn the EQs from in built EQ to stem level knobs: https://youtu.be/odW_4jzz47s?si=M_5ovu09O4hsvgWt
Oh I actually didn’t figure it out. Was just sharing that their is a new Rane Firmware update which came out 2 weeks before DJay’s new release. That feature allows you to override the mixer and the EQ for stems level but it doesn’t work in DJay Pro.
I may be not a smart man, but is there anyway to keep it from also effecting the EQ levels? Now when I do the shift que, it also effects the lows when I’m turning down the drums etc.
Hi. I use the Rane 4 and Neural EQ and it works without any problem. If i use Neural Mix, the Low on the Rane Hardware Mixer dont work. Did you update the Rane to latest Firmware?