Exporting a loop via Neural Mix Pro?

I’ve had a quick look to see if this is possible. It claims exporting loops is a thing, but I couldn’t find it (had a look in manual - again couldn’t find it).

Just wanted to check before I put in a feature request (basically to be able to export a selection rather than a full track).


Hi @N_C, sorry for the delayed reply. Yes, it’s possible to export loops. When a section is looped, the deck export button on the top right changes icons to indicate that the selected loop is the export target.

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Got it. Thanks. BTW - dont think this is the manual?

I have another question, is Fluid Beatgrid a feature of NMP?

PS: I took a look at this and there are 28 actions?

You’re welcome @N_C. Yes, Fluid Beatgrid has been added to NMP in one of the recent releases.

Ok great. Is there any ‘how to’ available Or is there an updated manual? Mine seems to be missing all this stuff.

AS mentioned this has 28 actions. Thats about 27 too many :slight_smile:

Our teams are working on updating the manuals, but we don’t have an ETA on those.

Ok, that explains it I guess.

So in the meantime how do I use fluid beat grid on NMP?