Fader echo out?

How do you set the fader to echo out when its turned down? I had it set a long time ago and now cant figure it out.

Hey there Brother G, Hope you’re well,
Could you explain exactly what you mean regarding this issue?
Do you mean post fader echo effect as in select echo and when you turn down the fader the echo effect trails on?

If so check Settings/Sound/FX Routing and make sure Post Fader is selected and not Pre Fader.
Hope this helps.

@maurizio_T how ya been brother?

So i have that set in the settings but when i tried it , it doesnt add it to the fader to echo out when i slide the fader down. Am i missing something else?

Hmm It should work, the only post echo feature that doesn’t work that way is Nearal Mix Vocals other than that I can’t think of anything else…
Have you tried with a different controller?

Hi @MrG, please navigate to the djay Settings>Sound>MIXER>FX Routing and make sure it’s set to Post-Fader. Please also note that Post Fader FX do not work with Neural Mix FX like Vocal Echo Out or Drum Echo Out so make sure you are using a normal Echo FX.

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I think he tried this but it’s still not working for him?

Thanks @maurizio_T. Always best to check just in case.

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@maurizio_T @Slak_Jaw thanks fellas!

So i have no idea what went wrong. I tried everything and it still wasnt working. I went into safe mode on my mac and it worked there. So i restarted the mac and like nothing ever happened it started working again. Weird!


That is weird. Thanks for the update @MrG. Glad you got it working.

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