Fast preview and Rate: Keyboard Shortcut for Rating

Hi guys, an idea for fast previewing and rating a batch of tracks:

  1. Library select track with up & down arrow on keyboard (as is)
  2. Preview selected track (as is)
  3. Skip forward & backward preview (as is)
  4. Rating shortcut for example Cmd+1 or PAD1* = 1 star etc. (new)

No pop-up so direct rating to track.
So the workflow would involve a minimum of 3 shortcuts.

Arrow down, preview track, rate track
Arrow down, preview track, rate track
Arrow down, preview track, rate track
Arrow down, preview track, rate track

So i would configure the shortcuts like:
select > preview > rate
Arrow Down> Arrow right> PAD1 (or 2,3,4,5)

Perhaps a complete preview-prepare-rate mode would be nice to in the end :slight_smile:
Djay Pro, Industry Fastest Preview and Rating system. :wink:

*PAD1 is numeric keyboard 1, PAD2 is numeric keyboard 2 etc

Thanks for the suggestion @jefuqs. I’ve passed it onto the dev team for consideration.

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