FX 3 on Mixon 8 FX Units unable to display video or AV fx

5.0.3, iPadOS 17.2, Mixon 8 pro with iPad Air Gen 4.

FX 1 and 2 under FX units work fine and can display video fx and both video and audio work for AV fx, but FX 3 cannot display any video fx or the video portion of AV fx, even though the audio for AV fx is working.

Hi @DJ_Venn, can you please try to capture a video of this issue, upload it to your Dropbox or Google Drive and share a link to it here? I can then share this with the engineering team to see if they can reproduce the issue and offer a solution. Thanks!

Hi again @DJ_Venn, just following up to see if you are still having this issue and if you’ve been able to capture a video of it? Thanks

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