FX: All four stems should be individually assignable.

Each “deck” (track) has 4 stems.

There are 4 separate FX streams: 3 manual plus 1 effects pad.

Each of these FX streams may be assigned independently of each other.

Yet, for some reason, while the percussion stem is always individually assignable, the bass and vocal stems cannot both be individually assigned at the same time to an effect: the operator must clumsily choose to downmix the other three stems into two and may only apply FX to one of those two. Specifically, if one of bass and vocal is assigned, it implies that the other has been remerged with the harmonic stem and may only have FX be assigned to the mixed result.

For tracks with minimal or no percussion this really straightjackets the DJ and seems both unexpected and out of line with the vision painted for Djay by Algoriddim. And it makes hardware mapping illogical: you can interact with all 4 stems for the purpose of stem muting/volumes, but only a partially remerged 3 stems for the purpose of FX assignment. And to cap it all, switching between how the 4 are downmixed into the 3 (specifically for FX mapping) is far away in the UI from the FX, so it’s hardly something you’re going to be doing on the fly as part of a performance.

I guess it’s not quite a bug. But it definitely seems like a wart to me.


Thanks for the suggestion @wasabidj. Good points. I have forwarded this to the dev team for consideration.