FX Dry/Wet Default needs to be DRY

Hello Team,
Great work on the latest update.
Thank you for some desperately needed features;

  • Version 3.8.8/Remember sorting of playlists
  • Version 4.0/Key lock is now preserved across launches of the app.
    These are great, but simply not enough.
    There many settings the user has to set every time Djay reboots.
    Might as well create a REMEMBER button.
    Please Add Wet/Dry Set to Dry as Default for FX.
    Better Yet, Allow Djay to remember all settings the user inputs when Djay Loads.

    Why Not Integrate the ON when adjusting the Wet/Dry

I disagree that FX Dry/Wet default needs to be Dry. I prefer it to be Wet with my workflow. So I think it’s best to have djay remember all user preferences when loading.

One thing that really bugs me is the FX Favorites. It’s super annoying that djay always reverts back to the Audio tab in the FX menu instead of the Favorites tab. I have a small favorites grouping that I like to cycle through using dedicated controls on my MIDI controller. However, every time I load djay I have to remember to manually select the favorites tab in all the FX menus because it defaults back to the full audio tab. If you forget and try to cycle through the FX using hardware controls you end up having to go through the entire FX menu.


Speaking of which…
Djay will not let me use favorites.
When Tapping;

Djay will prompt a subscription Ad,
then will do nothing.

I am a subscriber

I had something similar happen. Try deleting those from your favorites, restarting djay, then re-adding them.

Not sure about the wet and dry thing, but I do agree that the effects settings should remain the same next time you start it

Hi everyone,

Thanks for voicing your opinions regarding djay’s default FX settings.

I’ll make sure to pass this feedback along to our dev team for continued review.

Additionally @LaidbackFred, were you able to get the FX favorites issue fixed?

Looking forward to hearing back from you. Have a great day!

Hey Nathaniel,
Yes, all I had to do was swipe left and Delete those Djay Pro favorites. Then swipe left on any FX to add to favorite.
Thanks for asking

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