general instability & problem with FLAC

Running Windows version1.0.27679.0
I don’t get to play records much, and today was the first time in a few weeks. Djay Pro had a few audio engine lock ups, where the controls (by MIDI or mouse) work, but the audio stops playing and I get the spinning circle. There’s nothing I can do to bring that deck back except a restart (of the application). All 1, 2, or 3 other decks play fine. Even the controls on the frozen deck work. This happened 3 or 4 times within an hour.
Second, when I click the 3 dots to the left of a song to get a preview, it’s not working too well with FLAC. I can always make this happen: if I jump around to a lot of different points in the transport line (to click around in a track), eventually the preview player freezes, stuck at the last time I made it jump in the preview. It probably takes about 5-10 jumps to have the preview player freeze. This does NOT happen if I’m jumping around and previewing .MP3 files. In fact, once frozen, the preview player won’t play any more until I restart the program.

Please help, this is the type of basic functionality that needs to work.

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