Getting videos to auto-loop on playback

  • Device model: Apple iPad Pro (2019/20)
  • Version of operating system: IOS 17.1.1
  • Version of djay: 5.1.4
  • Hardware/controllers used: Hercules DJControl Mix

Hi all,

I use DJay primarily as a back-up to my main DJ Livestream set up and external gigs. In the livestream mode, I utilise DJay’s excellent video playback system, with the audio routed to my Allen & Heath Xone 96.

The issue I am having though is related to the times, when streaming, that I play video only (with no audio) which is for overlay/background visuals/video animations etc. Sometimes these will consist of 1 to 3 minute graphic/animation files. Sometimes, they auto-loop themselves (ie, I can leave them running/looping on their own) and sometimes, certain files stop dead at the end pf playback.

Any reason some loop, and some not? I can’t seem to find any ‘auto-loop’ setting that tells a playing video to return to the beginning and play again from the top, ad infinitum…?

Thanks in anticipation,

Hey @dkyn1 ,
Is it possible these are different type of videos?Maybe check the type of files they are and compare them.

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Worth a shot… I’ll take a look. Thank you!

Any update on the file types?

Hi @dkyn1, sorry for the delayed reply. I spoke with the engineering team and this is what I was told.

  1. Videos without audio automatically loop so they can be used as a visualizer for audio tracks.
  2. We also have a repeat feature but it’s currently only available on macOS.

Thanks for the reply @Slak_Jaw @LaidbackFred
Re videos without audio… unfortunately not the case on iOS. I have MP4’s that are from a visualizer artist which have no audio on, yet still don’t auto-loop. With that said, I’ll check his files in Premiere Pro etc to see if there’s a ‘silent’ audio track embeded…?

You’re welcome @dkyn1. Thanks for the additional details. We just tested this on iPhone, and videos without audio are looping as expected. Most likely that video you are using does have “some” audio to it.

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