Hardware and headphones sound differences

Hello again, I bought same headphone amplifier from Amazon. And finally it works! Thank you.
As I said before, problem comes from software unfortunately.


Obviously, it should work perfectly without the amp but unfortunately for me it was always way too quiet. You can report issues here but from my experience, not a lot gets done so the only solution is to work something out amongst ourselves.

I think the headpone amp is a good solution for the time being, if the software gets fixed then great, the amp wasn’t super expensive and it’s quite a handy little portable device. I will probably find other use-cases for it in the future.

Anyway, all the best and have fun djaying.

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I always wondered, why when playing tracks in djay and sending as bluetooth to a JBL speaker, I always had to run the JBL volume almost to Max in order to feel any sound…yet when I quit djay and play same tracks via another app (such as VLC or Music), still sending on the same bluetooth, all of a sudden the sound is brighter and more dynamic.
Is djay’s autogain/limiter function over compressing??

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I think that might be a different thing. Have you got the output headroom set correctly?

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My headroom is set at “None” too but i keep autogain ON, so I can at least have less volume variations (in most cases).

Have you tried turning the gain on one channel up? I am wondering if once done, autogain will continue to match the gain you just adjusted.

Exactly my prayers, but, alas, nope it doesn’t match the “new” manually set volume. Resets to default at the very next track!

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