HELP! Installation V5 > V4 (Downgrade)

Version 5 still has bugs that I can’t work with at the moment. I don’t want to have any problems at a live gig. For this reason, I would like to go back to the previous version 4.

Does anyone have any idea how I can get V4 on my MacBook now? I can only install the latest version 5 in the AppStore.

I would be grateful if someone could give me a tip, as I am currently unable to work :frowning:

Many thanks in advance!

Is it possible for you to provide me with the latest version 4.1.10 as a download?
Unfortunately there is no possibility via the Apple Store :frowning:

It would be very important to me, as I can’t currently work with version 5.

Thank you for your feedback.


I’m pretty sure you can only downgrade when you’ve made a backup.

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I believe it too. Unfortunately, I have not made a Timemachine backup before. Who thinks of that?
It’s really annoying that functions are simply removed ;-(

If there isn’t an update coming soon where the normal mix fader can be used again as before, I’ll have to switch to Serato :frowning:

Greetings Siggi

@DJSIGGI unfortunately, it is not possible to rollback to a previous version of djay without a system backup like Time Machine. I’ve personally recommended on this forum and one of the FB groups several times to perform a backup before updating so you can rollback if necessary. The engineering team is, however, working hard to correct all issues as they come up. Please, also make sure to submit your bugs and crashes from within the djay app itself to insure all the pertinent details are communicated to the support and engineering team. Thanks!

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