Hercules DJControl Inpulse 300 & Djay Pro 2 on mac : all functions supported ?

Hello Algoriddim community !

I plan to buy & use a Hercules DJControl Inpulse 300 controller with Djay Pro 2 (on Mac), but I hesitate a little. Are all controller functions supported by MidiMapping? (I’m thinking in particular of BeatMatch and BeatAlign …).

Do you have a similar configuration?

Thank you in advance for your feedback!

Any particular reason for picking the Hercules DJControl Inpulse 300 .

I’d have to say I’d rather opt to select a officially supported controller. Also pick a brand like Pioneer

All controllers that have midi can work, but I’d opted for officially supported controllers every time. I don’t think the controller feature of Beat Align will work correctly on the Hercules controller unless it’s officially supported & that feature isn’t in the djay software as I’m aware so it may not be supported anyway.

Surely some of Pioneers lower end controllers come in at same price point.

Doesn’t any officially supported Pioneer controller just work.

No need for sound card in the controller, it uses the Mac soundcard

Hi RyuOnline,

Thank you for your reply !

It seems to me that this controller is one of those officially supported, since the last update of DJay Pro 2 (see https://www.algoriddim.com/hardware » "All natively supported MIDI controllers ").

Reasons for picking the Hercules DJControl Impulse 300 are:
• small budget
• one of the first price with a sound card

Yes, the DDJ-200, but it’s smaller and without soundcard… :-/


I had some answers from Hercules UX Team (on http://www.herculesdjmixroom.com/fr/f…) :

  1. DJControl Inpulse 300 is natively supported in djay Pro 2 Mac (no need to import the mapping since djay Pro 2.0.12).

  2. DJControl Inpulse 300 is a controller, so it can control only the features already existing in the DJ software: there is

  • no beatmatch guide (tempo guide & beat align guide) in djay Pro 2,
  • no assistant in djay pro2,
    so, in djay Pro 2, DJcontrol Inpulse 300 cannot control beatmatch guide or assistant
  • the key labelled Assistant control the automix instead of an assistant,
  • and the beatmatch guides vumeters are not used.
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