Hercules Inpulse T7 Flashing Browse Knob

Is there a way to get it flashing like in serato?

Hi @Esko_Kontio, this is not possible with the MIDI Learn tool in djay. However, I will pass this onto the dev team to see if it’s possible within the code. Can you please capture a short video of of how this looks and works with Serato, upload it to your Google Drive/Dropbox, enable sharing permissions, then share a link to the video here? Thanks!

in the “performance” section it is showing clearly how its looks like. 3.30 in…

Perfect! Thanks for the video @Esko_Kontio. This is very helpful. I’ve passed this onto the dev team for consideration. In the meantime, please use the blue Vote button at the top left of this page so we can gauge user demand for this feature. Thanks!

Yes, that LED is basically a beat counter (RED, BLUE, BLUE, BLUE for 1,2,3,4; whereby, RED is the downbeat.
I only came here to vote this!
@Esko_Kontio has this been implemented yet in djay v5.2.5? I just ordered my Hercules T7 this week under the assumption that it is 100% implemented in djay! That BPM flashing light is super helpful for counting the 1’s

Hello @Esko_Kontio and @Armigo, I believe this has been added in the latest 5.2.6 djay release. Thanks!

I only have static light on browseknob, no “counting”… is there a setting I’ve missed?

Unfortunately no, my boss.
The browse knob LED still has a static blue. It doesn’t do the 1234 count on the bpm yet.
I was so excited when i saw the changelog mention “improved sync/beat match LED behavior. Kindly inform the team they still missed a thing here, and is important.
Keep the request open, not closed.
I will make a short video demonstrating the behavior of this LED in serato/virtualdj/djuced, compared with djay pro

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Yeah, my mistake. I misinterpreted the release notes. The pitch up/down and Beatmatch LEDs were fixed in 5.2.6, not the flashing browse knob.

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Same on my hercules t7 premium. Blue static. But looking at the release notes for v5.2.6, there was no mention of its implementation except this:

The browser knob LED is different from those

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That’s correct. Hope they are on it atm :grinning:

No news according to this…?

We hope to have some news to share soon…

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Hey @Esko_Kontio
I have a question or 2 to compare your experiences with the T7 so

  1. Prior to the v5.2.9 update i was experience a weird issue whereby, when i do instant doubles the right deck’s waveform would quickly creep out on the other (it was always the right creeping) unless I engaged sync at the time i instant-doubled.
    Thankfully it went away, along with my automix issues once I updated

  2. Some more weird stuffs:
    (A) If i let a song play out itself to completion the motor never stops (keeps spinning beyond waveform) and the song itself never stops playback.
    (B) Even bizzare is that if the track is a video track, the video stays on an auto-repeat, like an autoloop albeit without sound.
    (C) If i quit djay with the Hercules ON, without pressing “Pause” or “Cue”, the hercules deck that was previously playing will never stop rotating unless I either relaunch djay or put it OFF (pressing the pause button doesn’t stop the motor if djay has quit)

Do you experience these last weird stiffs too? Am on macOS sequoia but hapenned with Monterrey to