Hide online music files.

How do I hide all this online music files in my collection and just have Djay Pro 5 manage my local files and local files only. I do not use any stream services, so I have no need for them. I don’t even want to see the free music from Algoriddim DJ. Also, can I setup a default collection music folder? so the program knows where to look for new files.

AFAIK, there is no way to hide the music Sources in the Windows version of djay Pro 5. Technically, it should be in Settings > Library, but there’s nothing there.

For local files, your best bet is the Folders Source (Yellow Folder).

Just uncheck the streaming services you don’t want to appear.

Where can you do that in the Windows version?

Hi @Melbourne,

Thanks for sharing your question in the community.

At this time, this feature has not yet been implemented into Windows as it is on Mac. However, our engineering team is aware of this inquiry, and it has been marked as a feature request for resolution.

When we have new information, this thread will be updated!

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