How are tracks sorted by default when you open a folder in macOS djay Pro?

  • Device model (e.g. 2020 iPad Air 4th Gen): MacBook Pro 2019
  • Version of operating system (e.g. macOS 14.4.1): 14.4.1
  • Version of djay (e.g. 5.1.2): 5.1.3
  • Hardware/controllers used (e.g. Reloop Mixon 8 Pro): Denon MC 7000

Hi there!

I’d like to know the default track sorting in macOS djay Pro when opening a folder. I tested this by placing three identical tracks in a folder, naming them with numbers at the start (e.g., “1 - Deorro - Booty Bounce.flac”). When opened in djay Pro, the sorting didn’t consider the file name or tags like “Album Track #.” Even when I added numbers to the title tag, the sorting remained unchanged. What is the default sorting method in djay Pro? Or is it random?

I’m asking because I want my tracks to be in the correct order when I open a folder without having to manually sort them by a column. I want to edit my track tags or filenames accordingly.

Hi @Dj_Rex,

  1. The default sorting order is basically the order that tracks are originally placed.
  2. If you make your playlists in the My Collection source, you can reorder the songs however you like (drag and drop to reposition). No need to rename them for an alphabetical ordering.
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I have the same problem…I have all my tracks named “01-artist-song.mp3” but when I load tracks into Djay Pro “my files” section I got the track order messed up…there’s no way to fix this? Every other Dj software I use reads the filename and sorts the tracks correctly…and I don’t want to create a Playlist for every folder on my hard drive and sort all the songs manually.

I’ve posted two example photos

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