How can I use ipad speaker? With hercules Starlight?

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  • Device model: Starlight
  • Version of operating system: ipad pro a2459
  • Version of djay: latest
  • Hardware/controllers used: Hercules Starlight

Your question:
I connect starlight with my ipad pro with USB-C Type cable directly.
Everything seems work except sound.

I want to use ipad speaker only, without connecting any speaker cable or headphone.
Is there any way?

Hi @Throhkr,

  1. Within the djay app, navigate to Settings>Audio Devices and turn ON Output to iPad Speaker
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Oh thank you for the reply.
I cant see that option with my ipad.
Is djay pro version required? (I mean subscription)

You’re welcome @Throhkr. I suspect that is your issue.

I just upgraded to djay Pro (subscription) then, setting option appeared!!
Thanks :slight_smile:

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You’re welcome @Throhkr.

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