How can you view the song list or "que" of songs that are que'ed to be played on either side of the turn table?

Hi Nathan,

Open the library and go to Queue.

Though this is possible, I think the queue list should be more easily available. I have Djay 2 for Android and play from Spotify. On the top of the UI there’s a big Spotify button that shows what I played this session. That’s nice and all, but I seem to be able to do nothing with that list, not export it nor repeat a song from there (which is possible from the “history” so I don’t know why you don’t reuse that view instead). It’d be much more useful to me if that button (or one near by) took me to the play queue.

If I go through the “add song to this turntable” (which is the only way I know to open library) it will automatically open to the last Spotify playlist used (which I like) but to get to the “play queue” I need to back out of the playlist, tap the Spotify logo to open menu, then select queue from there. Not very convenient. And next time I need to add a song, it opens in play queue view so I have to find my way back to the playlist.

Being on this topic I’d also take the chance to list some improvements to the queue view.

I’d like to request that it is possible to change the order in the play queue. Suggest adding possibility to “drag and drop” in the list to move items, or if that’s not possible add a “move up” and “move down” menu item together with the “remove from queue”.

It would also be nice to display the total time of the queue, not only the remaining time of the current song.

Clearly, the “add all songs from this play list to the queue in play list order” would be very useful for the automix, and it has been requested before.

Overall, even on my tablet the “add to queue” menu is rather easy to miss. Instead of the small “…” I’d want to long-press to open the menu. That would make less of a risk to accidentally add the song to the turntable, rather than append it to the queue. (The workaround I found is to long-press the … which will either do nothing or open the menu.)

I hope you can add some of these insights to your improvements work queue.