How do i cast to google home speakers using djay app on android

Hi there

Im using djay app on mobile (android).

Accceoted there wasnt a cast button.

Instead went into google home app and cast all my device audio to my google home speaker. But audio from the djay app doesnt come out

Every other app i have sends sound to the google home speaker. Why does djay not? How can i cast my music to my google home speakers?

Hi @Milomolly,

Thanks for sharing this question in the community!

So that I can better assist you, could you please answer the following questions?

  1. What Android device are you using?
  2. What version of Android OS is running on your device?
  3. Are you using any additional hardware with your setup, like a DJ controller?
  4. Do you have split-output audio enabled on your device via djay’s in-app settings menu?

Looking forward to your response!