How do I get the horizontal wavelength grid back?

I can no longer change my wavelength grid to a horizontal orientation. I could do this before on my phone and now I don’t have the option. Please help me get it back because the vertical orientation is awful. Thank you.

Once in the waveform view on iOS select the small down arrow near the top left of the waveform. Here you can select horizontal or vertical

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This is all I see. I forgot to mention I am running the app on my IPhone.

So am I. What version of djay are you using? I’m on 4.0.2. Also do you have a MIDI controller connected?

I have version 4.0.2 and I have it connected to a DDJ-200

I figured it out. I was using the “classic” option and not the “pro” option! Thank you for your help!

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No problem! Happy to help

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