How does the Auto Import function work?

macos sonoma, mac mini m2, djay pro 5.2.6
Settings > Library > Import
"Auto import new files added to the following folder into “My Collection”

Does anyone have a description of how this function works?
The manual only states : “There are two ways to add new media to your My Collection database: dragging and dropping via the Split Library Mode, or dropping files or folders from a Finder window.”

  • Does it take a restart before files added to the folder are checked?
  • Does it matter if you point to the main folder where you keep your mp3 in?
  • Does it matter if you point to your main folder and that is holds 50.000 files?
  • Should this function add songs to “My Collection” and would sort by “date added” reveal them on top of the list?


You’re lucky. That option doesn’t exist in the Windows version. :cry:

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Thanks, Jefuqs, for raising this question. I’ve been trying to figure out how this feature works as well.

I had this experience: I added a folder with a few music files in the “Auto Import” settings, but they didn’t appear in “My Collection”—even after restarting Djay. This led me to wonder whether the feature might need more specific steps or conditions to function properly.

Initially, I was considering pointing it to my main iTunes Music Media folder, hoping it would automatically add every new song I added there to Djay’s collection. However, given that my test with a smaller folder didn’t work, I held off on trying it with a larger collection.

It’d be great to hear from support or others if they’ve had success with this feature or figured out its quirks. Does anyone know if there are additional steps required, or if file size or folder structure impacts how it works?

Can someone frin Algoriddim shine a light on this question?

@Slak_Jaw @NathanielAlgo or anyone else?

I did some testing on my Mac …

  1. My crate folder tree is on iCloud Drive. The root folder “CRATES” has been added as auto import folder in the settings. Auto import works anywhere within this tree if the Djay app is running and audio files or folders containing audio files are copied anywhere into the folder tree below “CRATES”.
    It doesn’t work if you do the file copying before having the app running.

  2. On only local hard drive folders it works different for whatever reason. It doesn’t auto import if you put a folder anywhere in the folder tree where the root folder has been added as auto import folder in the settings. So no import “recursively” as expected. You can only directly add audio files into the particular marked auto import folder and the import process is starting by Djay.

So, intermediate summary: It works as expected in iCloud Drive folders only with the app running before the file operations.

Second thought:
As the Apple Music app doesn’t have an auto import function - you need to add folders within the Music app to the music library (Another transaction) before it’s being shown in Djay and it’s not imported into My collection yet … and you would need to find the files to be imported …(and another transaction) …
the only way of an optimized workflow is to have all audio files and folders on iCloud Drive because only there everything works as expected … :-o
Or you have to divide the collection into a static part on your hard drive and a dynamic part on your iCloud Drive.

Third thought and finding:
The recursive auto import (auto import of added subfolders only works within iCloud Drive when you have imported your root folder at least one time via the Djay app into My Collection. It doesn’t work to create a new folder, assign it to auto import via the preferences and then putting audio folders and files in it. You need to import the designated "auto import root folder"containing already at least some audio folders and files at first one time. Then obviously the necessary database relations for the recursive access are being built.

Finally: It doesn’t work reliably, dear Algoriddim Team!
I wasn’t able to produce repeatable results on the recursive auto update within iCloud Drive.



o-oh , don’t know what happened or what i did differently: but pointing to my main music folder, external ssd, it now works as expected: dropping in the main folder = immediate adding to “My Collection”.

It does work but not stable on my end. Sometimes yes, sometimes no. I wasn’t able to achieve a repeatable result. First I thought path length could be an issue but again no …
2019 MBPro on Sequoia.

I don’t understand how this can be so difficult. there is not even a YouTube video by Algoriddim!! now I can’t get some songs into my collection, the drag and drop is not working.

Sorry for the delayed response on this everyone. Our team has put together a new RFQ on the topic. Please see link below:

I don’t suppose there’s a timeline for this feature (or any of the other missing features) to be added to the PC version? That’s the Intel PC version please, not ARM.

Hi @PKtheDJ, we do not have a timeline to share for this, but it is one of the dev team’s priorities to get closer to feature parity across all platforms. I’ll push this specific feature request with the devs though. Thanks!

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I finally got this function to work properly!

It seems that Djay only adds files that are newly added to the assigned folders. So, even if a folder within the Watch Folder already contains 100 music files, those files won’t be added automatically. Only music files added after the folder is assigned to the Watch Folder will be recognized.

Hope this helps many of you!

Btw; this is the same topic;

I think many users run into this issue, assuming that all files from an existing music folder will be added as well. Therefore, this should be updated in the FAQ.

Something like this:

Why aren’t my existing music files added to the Watch Folder?

The Watch Folder feature in Djay only adds new music files that are placed in the assigned folder after it has been added to the Watch Folder. Any files that were already in the folder before it was assigned will not be automatically recognized.

If you want Djay to detect these existing files, you can try moving them to a different location and then back into the folder, or remove and re-add the folder in the Watch Folder settings.

Perfect! Thanks again @DJ_Big_Blender. I’ve shared this with the team.