How to batch analyse?

May seem like a stupid question but I’ve only been playing with the demo a few days…How do you batch analyse a music folder? Can’t see the option anywhere.


Hey there,

you can pre analyse whole playlists in iTunes and Groove by clicking the number of songs in a playlist. After doing so you can select “Analyse Songs” in the pop-up window.

Cheers,Lukas E.

Hey Tom,

the same applies for the folder library.
Navigate to your songs and click the “X Songs” in the top menu bar and select “Analyse Songs”.

Hope this is helping.

Cheers,Lukas E.

Forgot to add, Windows 10 app. I also have spotify premium so I could do the analysis in the lite version to get round the 30 minute limit. Very close to purchasing the full version once I’m satisfied it’s not always going to be running cpu at 80% each time it analyses individual tracks on loading.


+1 on this, it’d be really nice to have batch analysis, especially as you can’t use spotify songs for recorded mixes…

I’ve got loads of MP3 an FLAC that need analysing and I don’t want to sit and load each one to get the metadata!

Hi Lukas,

Thanks for getting back so quickly.

Does it have to be in iTunes or Groove?

Can it not be done on a folder basis?



Hi Lukas, that’s worked perfectly! One suggestion if I may, if there was a way to analyse a parent folder that had subfolders contained, that’d make it even more ideal!

Thank you again for getting back so quickly!