How to change the color of the Prime 4 jogwheel

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  • Device model (e.g. 2020 iPad Air 4th Gen): laptop
  • Version of operating system: Windows 10
  • Version of djay (e.g. 5.1.2): 5.1.2
  • Hardware/controllers used (e.g. Reloop Mixon 8 Pro): Denon Prime 4

How do you change the color of the Prime 4 jogwheel?
You can change the colors of the buttons but not the jogwheel in midisettings.

Hi @Jerry_Hoek, I will double check with our engineering team, but I don’t believe the jogwheel LED color can be changed within the djay MIDI Learn tool. I think this can only be done in the Prime 4 settings when in standalone mode.

I could change the color but when I touched the jogwheel, the color went back to its original color.

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Did you change the color for both jog wheel MIDI signals? The jog wheels send 2 MIDI signals: one for rotation and the second for touch/scratch.

(It would be cool if the color changed between rotation and touch/scratch.)

That would be cool indeed, exept the change was only temporary and with 1 ring only.

Hi @Jerry_Hoek, I checked with our engineering team and they confirmed that this is a limitation of the hardware and unfortunately there’s nothing we can do on our end. Thanks!

Ok, thanks for asking.

No problem. You’re welcome @Jerry_Hoek