How to delete an iTunes track in djay's Database once analyzed?


I have been a Traktor user for years and now I want to go to djay/reloop.

So for this I need to convert my Traktor Cues and Loops to Serato. This because dJay seems to only pick up the Serato cues and converts them to djay cues and loops. But… this works only the first time a track is analyzed in djay.

I planned to do this conversion with the use of the nifty tool called DJCU (by

But now I imported some tracks accidentally that had not the good Serato Cues yet… and so I want to deleted these tracks out of the djay database in order to re-import them…

But now I do not see any possibility to delete the tracks out of the djay database… Yes only for those that are in the list with the djay-icon. But NOT those who are analyzed, but only those only under iTunes-icon.

Can anyone help me out here?

Why delete and re-import? Why not just add the cues in DJay?

Because I like to know how this works and in this case it’s only one for test purposes, but maybe in the future it can be 1000 tracks that id need to re-import after a batch conversion.

… you can’t fully delete all info of a track.

There’s a bug which always leaves the track analysis file on the macOS to the

  • Track analysis data:

~/Library/Group Containers/ Support/Algoriddim/

At least I haven’t got any notifications that it’s fixed

Ok. Thanks. Good to know that a fully delete of a tracks footprint is not possible right now.

Any update on this bug @Slak_Jaw ?

I think it was case id 172882.

Hi @DJ_Big_Blender, sorry for the late reply. I just heard back from the engineering team:

Currently there is no way to completely remove all metadata for a track. However reimporting a track and re-analyzing a track should update the relevant info to the latest.

Thanks @Slak_Jaw.
Could you also confirm that re-importing a track also will help djay to re-scan the original Beatmarkers and Cues that are stored “in” the music-file (Serato-style) and convert them again to djay’s way of storing these loops and cues? Because that is the reason why I need to know.

Hi @DJ_Big_Blender, I checked with engineering and, unfortunately, the Serato cue points are only read the first time you load the track.

Ok. Thanks.
For that reason I am looking for a way to completely remove all metadata of a track.
Hope you can understand that.

Now it’s also usefull to know if this “Serato-style” of writing tags will be overwritten by djay 5 after import or does this stay in place?

You’re welcome @DJ_Big_Blender. Perhaps there is a 3rd party application that can completely remove all metadata from a track. I’m not sure if the Serato tags will be overwritten by djay 5 after import. I recommend you perform some tests with a small number of test tracks first to see what happens before importing your entire collection.

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