how to go back to previous version of Djay?

: macbook pro 8 core intel
: Sonoma 14.3.1
: djay pro 5.1.7
: ddj 400

I’m on a mac and have a back-up w time machine. if i want to go back to a previous version ( my latest backup) do i need to install the whole time machine back up and basically erase the whole disc or can i choose to revert to the previous version of Djay only? How can i install Djay saved in time machine?

5.2.1 just killed my whole workflow by taking out a feature that was crucial. Please next time they should warn us and mention what features they took out.

Can’t answer your question but could you let us know which feature they took out?

not sure if it’s a new bug or they decided to take out the feature. If the cursor is on a crate (the crate list is in focus), you can quickly jump to any crate by typing the letter of the crate. If you had hip hop and house both start with H , simply type the first 2 letters ect… I was working on a tagging system to organize crates with this feature, if i knew this feature was omitted would have never updated.

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Ok I understand,
I don’t think it has affected IOS though

Hi @Donn,

Thanks for sharing your question in our community!

We are currently confirming the information required to answer your first query.

In the mean time, could you share with us what crucial feature we removed from djay in the latest update?


Hi NathanielAlgo , thanks for the reply.

Hi @Donn,

Thanks for clarifying the requested information.

Additionally, our engineering team has shared that you can restore the “djay” from your Time Machine backup, which should resolve your issue.

Have a nice day!

How do i restore the app? Does the app have different parts in different locations i need to restore ?
I noticed some apps have multiple files you need to restore. Do i go to the application folder in time machine and drag to the mac app folder ?

Will i need to restore the library playlist and cue/loop points ?


Hi, what are the steps to restore 5.1.7 (version w the type ahead feature) from time machine? Do i need to restore my whole drive? That might be too risky. Is it possible to restore just the djay app?
