New user here. On Serato when cueing a track you can set the loop on a later cue point on the same track (goes blue block) and then go to your starting cue point and the loop will kick in without having to press loop when it arrives at that point. Basically the blue block remains. On pro I can set the loop, but as soon as I go to cue point 1 I lose the loop setting. Any help appreciated - thanks, Rik.
Did you read the loop section of the manual?
Hi @RikParr73, in djay, Saved Loops are separate from saved Hot Cues. See below for the Saved Loops section.
In the djay Settings>General there is also an option to activate Saved Loop 1 automatically.
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Thanks. My display differs from yours on your reply I can’t see ‘auto saved bounce’. I have activated the Saved Loop in the settings fine, but when I create a loop as per screen shot and then go to another cue point it deactivates the saved loop. Cheers, Rik.
Thanks, apologies, I haven’t explained myself well. I don’t wish to set hot buttons for loops. I just need to set a loop before I play the track (that keeps fixed) and then use my hot cue 1 as normal. I have attached a video of what I do in Serato - hope it helps. Thanks. Rik
@RikParr73, please try navigating to the Advanced settings and turning OFF Deactivate Loop When Jumping Outside of Loop.
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Yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss! Thank you so much! 
You’re welcome @RikParr73. Happy to help!
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