I cannot get into Djay and I paid??

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  • Device model: MSI Laptop
  • Version of operating system: Windows 10
  • Version of djay: 5.1.79170
  • Hardware/controllers used: Hercules MK 200

Summary of the issue:
I was gifted Djay on throne a two years ago. Bought on Microsoft Store, it doesn’t have any sign I purchased it outside of the store. I’ve been on this one for a year and I got a notification saying that the I need to pay in order to use my controller, or start the free trial.

How to reproduce the issue:

Plugging in my controller triggers the 7 day trial. I do not have access or records of my payment for the app on Windows store…but it’s in my library as bought.

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Your post is a little confusing, as you say that YOU purchased DJay, but then also mention that you were “gifted” DJay (i.e. someone else paid for it). What does “on throne a” mean?

Possibly if the subscription was paid by someone else, maybe they have now cancelled that subscription.

You also say “been on this one for a year” after saying it was gifted two years ago. What is “this one”? This subscription, this controller, this computer?

Hahaha, I don’t understand either

I think “on throne a” should say “on another”…but another what?

Hi @echoquon, please refer to the linked FAQ articles and let me know if that helps. I suspect the first one is what you need. Thanks!

  1. Restore Purchase - Windows: https://help.algoriddim.com/hc/en-us/articles/10980163205532-How-do-I-purchase-a-PRO-subscription-for-djay-Pro-on-Windows
  2. Purchase djay - Windows: https://help.algoriddim.com/hc/en-us/articles/10980163205532-How-do-I-purchase-a-PRO-subscription-for-djay-Pro-on-Windows
  3. Using djay cross-platform: https://help.algoriddim.com/hc/en-us/articles/12806719766684-Using-your-PRO-subscription-cross-platform-with-djay

Sorry, lack of sleep.

I throne is a site where ppl can gift you items. I got the funds to purchase Djay through throne (.So technically I paid with someone giving me the cash.)

I dunno if throne made the transaction weird.

I had it solely for PC/ Windows which didn’t have the subscription model (to my knowledge) .
I’m not sure if the model was changed in the recent updates.

In regards to the computer, the purchase was bought on another computer that died. I was able to transfer my account to this laptop that I’m currently on. I have been using this laptop for almost a year and I got the notification a few days ago.

The license is under my information. I don’t why it’s asking for a free trial and I’m logged in and have paid.

I hope this clears up my question.

I think DJay Pro was a single purchase in the past, but changed to subscription. Purchasers I think got a few unlocked features but still have to pay a sub now to use everything.

Hi @echoquon, yes djay for Windows used to be a stand alone app. It’s now part of the cross platform subscription.

Please refer to the linked FAQ articles above. If these do not solve your issue, then you can submit an official support request through the app via Settings>Contact Support. Thanks!

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