I need an external sound card for pre-cueing for my iOS setup with Djay Pro and PioneerDJ DDJ200

I need an external sound card for pre-cueing for my iOS setup with Djay Pro and PioneerDJ DDJ200
Any suggestions?
So far I tried my Native Instruments Audio DJ2 that works great with Rekordbox on my laptop , however it is not recognized by DJay Pro on my iOS setup, it’s a real bummer because I am loving Algoriddim Djay Pro AI

10 posts were merged into an existing topic: Does anyone have a DDJ200 and Mixtour setup?

4-channel audio interfaces:
Apogee Duet
Audient ID14
SSL 2+
Presonus 26C
Scarlett 2i4
Universal Audio VOLT 4
Universal Audio VOLT 476
Traktor Z1 (minus the MIDI controls)


  • Re: Native Instruments Audio 2 - this device has been discontinued. My personal experience has also been that it is no longer supported in iOS.

  • the Numark DJ2GO2 Touch and Hercules Starlight have built-in audio interfaces. If you go this route, you could re-map some controls for FX and Neural Mix, which can be handy.

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The Behringer UMC204HD works really well too…


I’m using the presonus 26. Question is when cueing via channels 3/4 I only get audio from one side of my headphones as I’m only going into one channel, either 3 or 4. What’s the solution?


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