Idea: Cue Output to Headphone for no Controller Mode on Tablet

Idea: Is it possible to use djayPro on iPad, let the music play over a bluetooth speaker AND have a Cue output to airPods
Could it be possible? Is it already Possible? How about with cable EarPods?

If this would be implemented, it would change the game dear Devs!

I’ve never tried this but reasonably sure it wouldn’t work.

Mainly because of the latency issues with Bluetooth, different devices will have their own BT latency levels and they’re very unlikely to match.

The sound you hear from the speaker would be out from the cue signal in a different device…

Would be horrible to work with.



I’m pretty sure iOS still has limitations when it comes to multiple audio output destinations.

Hopefully Apple will implement more routing flexibility like on the Mac.

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Thanks for the suggestion @Lukas01D. Thanks to @sooteee and @Mister_Tuur for the comments as well. I’ll pass this onto the dev team for consideration, but I’m pretty sure this is one of those things that’s limited by iOS and beyond our control.

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Thanks. how about audio output to cable headphones via the usb-c on iPad AND bluetooth output to the music box

The team has confirmed that this is currently an iOS limitation and beyond our control to implement. Thanks.

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