If you download an Apple Music playlist can you play it without an active internet signal?

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Hi everyone, had a brief look online but couldn’t seem to find the answer.
I’m DJing at a venue that has no WiFi and the phone signal is spotty at best it seems and I’ll be using my Apple Music account to do so. Is there anyway that I can download locally so I can use my Apple Music playlist without an internet connection?
I can use my iPhone, iPad or MacBook Pro for the set up so basically whichever one will work best to get round this issue

Hi @Ashley_Brooker1,

You can only DJ offline with songs that you’ve purchased through iTunes/Music AND have downloaded onto your device. You cannot DJ offline with Apple Music Streaming songs that you’ve downloaded to the Apple Music App.

Currently, your only streaming service options in djay with offline lockers are Beatport Pro and Beatsource Pro subscriptions. I’ve personally been using Beatport Pro’s offline locker for years now and it works great.

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