Immersive fullscreen Automix view

You’ve implemented so many of the things I’ve wanted from djay over the years, so here’s another.

djay is now my preferred music playback app, on macos and iphone. the Apple Music integration has made it that way. I would love to be able to hide the library and have a nice fullscreen, waveform and album art view. Im not sure how many other people use djay this way, but I can’t be the only one!

Hi @Digital_Self, I believe we have what you are requesting already on iOS. Please confirm if this is what you’d like to see on macOS. Thanks!

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That’s exactly it! I actually don’t think i’ve ever even tried turning my phone sideways to get that. But yes, I’d love this on macOS too.

Great. Thanks for confirming @Digital_Self. I’ll go ahead and forward this to the dev team for consideration.

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