Improve Tidal playlist management into Djay


could you improve the Tidal playlist management so that :
1.add the ability to create a new Tidal playlist
2. add the ability to copy a track to an existing Tidal playlist
3. add the ability to delete a track from a Tidal playlist

all these requests are possible because it is yet possible to do them on another famous DJ softare that begin with en S and finished with a O :slight_smile:

in fact using Tidal playlists is great because you can access to them whether you are on a laptop or a mobile phone.


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I always edit the playlists directly in Tidal, the search also works much better. What I would like is the possibility to use not only playlists, but also albums favorited in Tidal within DJay Pro.

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Hi @JiPenade,

Thank you for the Tidal suggestions!

I will make sure to pass these feature requests along to our dev team for further review.

Have a great day!

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What about downloading a playlist in tidal then accessing it in DJay? Is that possible?

I am in rural America and sometimes have no internet access?

This would be a huge help!!

Tidal don’t offer offline tracks, but you could do this with beatport

Hi everyone,

Just wanted to let you all know that you are now able to edit and create TIDAL, SoundCloud, Beatport, and Beatsource playlists from within djay in the new v4.0 update!

Have a great day!


that’s great!!! thank you Nathaniel!!!

Besides the DVS support, this is certainly a change that will make the workers easier for many users.

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I recently ran into a circumstance where it would’ve been VERY handy to be able to edit (and/or create) a Tidal playlist within djay, so that’s the functionality I’m looking for in this regard.

hi! as stated in this thread, you can already edit Tidal playlists within Djay. However i’m not sure you can create a new one from scratch…

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I’ll have to dig in and fool around/learn how to do that.