In-app/desktop software metada/tags editing with collection updating option

Fantastic work on all the upgrades recently, here is another suggestion that is becoming more and more important as the software becomes more professional:

In app/software metadata editing (rating, genre, title, artist, etc.) as well as having that information update to tracks within the collection.
As currently editing metadata in iTunes WILL reflect in iTunes section of dj pro ai, but not within collection unless tracks are manually added to the collection again.

The way Traktor Pro 3 handles this is excellent and if Algoriddim were to implement a similar system, that would be another HUGE leap forward in the usability of the software as a viable option compered to Serato and the like.


Hi @aYobe,

Thanks so much for the great suggestion!

I’ll make sure to pass this along to our dev team for continued review and update this thread accordingly as new information rolls in.

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