Increase font size and contrast for Key Indication in Decks

At the moment, the Track-Key indication in Djay is poorly readable because it is displayed too small and has little contrast. Additionally, different keys have their own colors, causing some to blend almost completely into the black background.

My request is to improve the readability of the Key indication. This can be done by making the font larger and increasing the contrast.

Looks like a small effort for great satisfaction (imho)?!

Thank you in advance for your attention, and I hope this improvement can be included in future updates. If you agree with this request, please vote for it using the “Vote” button at the top left.

  • Device model MacBook Pro 2019
  • Version of operating system Mac OS, Sanoma 14.4.1.
  • Version of djay: 5.1.6
  • Hardware/controllers used: Reloop Mixon 8 Pro
1 Like

Thanks for the suggestion! Good idea. I have forwarded this to the dev team for consideration. I have also changed your topic from a Question to a Suggestion to enable voting. Please use the blue Vote button at the top left of this page so we can gauge user demand for this feature. Thanks!

Many thanks @Nubium for supporting (voting on) this!

I hope others will also see the benefit of this request so that it gets on the development radar. It’s a relative small effort and a big win if you ask me.

Also many thanks to @Andreas_Haase for supporting this request.
Thanks! I think we alle can benefit from this one and it is pretty simple for Algoriddim to make this simple cosmetic upgrade for us users. We are all paying users in the end…?!

And not to forget, @Wyze thanks for supporting as well.

How are you doing nowadays with Djay?

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