Increase manual FX section to 8 or 16

Hi… This application has many nice effects its hard to use all of them… But something could be done on the manual fx section… Increase these efx to 8 or 16… These effects could be accessed by mid devices that have more pads… This means you could map all the effects to the pad. Its hard to constantly remember all fx… Mapping them would make life a alot easier. Thanks in advance!!!

What you have in mind is already covered with Instant FX. Unfortunately, however, and this always bothers me a little, there are different effects to choose from for Manual and Instant FX, and the parameters for Instant FX cannot be changed either. Perhaps a corresponding change is on the roadmap for the future. I think many people would welcome that.


manual FX selection is limited. Actually, I was also thinking, why I cannot just map selecting the reverb for example on some pad as a manual FX. There’s a button on NS4FX for example for that, when you press it DJAY selects reverb as a main FX1. So it’s a recognisable command. Why you cannot midi map it on a different key is a mystery to me. So that should be possible to do with different effetcs as well.

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Thanks for the suggestion @PRO24_DJS. I have forwarded this to the dev team for consideration. Thanks for the additional feedback as well @Chris_R and @Akrilovy.