Instant FX bleeding through the mix.

Could you please add, post fader control over the instant effects, there is now way to control the volume e.g Clearance it’s still bleeds through the mix even when you turn it off. Other than that this software has been a game changer since day dot. Thank you Algoriddim

Hey @Adrian_Trego

Thanks for reaching out about these feature requests and for your ongoing support as well as the kind words :slight_smile:

I’ve made sure that your feedback on the value of having a post-fader control over instant effects was brought to the attention of our development team for future consideration.

Please know that we greatly appreciate your feedback and suggestions, and our team must carefully consider and prioritize all feedback that we receive.

In addition, I wanted to let you know I moved this post to the Suggestions category, so that if other users also feel the feature you’re requesting would be useful, we encourage them to vote on this topic thread as well so we have a better idea of the interest from others in our community.

Thanks again for your patience and your support!

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