Integrate Lyrics

I have to try on actual track to make lyrics with Shazam, but coudn’t work.
So, would be great to integrate song lyrics somehow, maybe for video…

What do you think guys?

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There is a thread somewhere on the forum where someone requested some karaoke-type features, and I classify your request as being in the same category.
(I’m unaware if this functionality currently exists in the software - have you looked everywhere +/- read the manual?

I already voted a thread with this suggestion.

Hi @DJ-Z,

Thanks so much for the suggestion!

May I ask what platform you were looking to see this feature implemented on? macOS, iOS, Windows, or Android?

Happily awaiting your reply!

Hi Nate, Thanks for asking, I have use DJay pro on macOS and iOS (iPad)
Why would be great this feature? Lot of people and some of DJ’s like to sing, that would be part of a show…

But today I have recognize a very big bug on iPad…I will make a video about that.

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